2021 Silmaril Awards voting is open
Oh, dear, the White Rabbit appears to have been given the charge of sending out this announcement, but as usual he’s running late so we’ll just have to post this instead.
There’s one day left to vote for this year’s awards. 11 categories! Tons of beloved characters. Who will win? Their fate is in your hands. Don’t let them down.
No pressure.
To Find out more about the characters before you vote you can visit the host sites:
- Most Epic Hero
- Most Epic Heroine
- Wisest Counselor
- Most Faithful Friend
- Strangest Character
- Most Mischievous Imp
- Silver Tongue
- Least Competent Henchman
- Most Nefarious Villain
- Most Magnificent Dragon
- Most Majestic Ruler
Winners will be announced starting next week! See you then!