2022 Silmaril Awards nominations are open

September 5, 2022 Off

The time has come! Fell deeds awake! The inter-dimensional portals have opened! The 2022 Silmaril Awards have begun!

It’s time to nominate your favorite fantasy characters to see which one will take home the coveted prize of a silmaril from J.R.R. Tolkien’s Middle-earth.

Below you’ll find links to nominate your favorite fantasy characters. All you have to do is leave a comment with the name of your character and what book they are from.

If the character you were thinking of has already been nominated you can reply to someone else’s comment with a second. The five characters who receive the most nominations and seconds will make it to the voting round. And you can nominate and second (and third and fourth, etc.) as many characters as you wish!

The cutoff for accepting nominations is midnight CST Time, September 9th!

These are your awards. Let your voice be heard. Nominate away!